Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pad Thai

Pad Thai

250 grams rice noodle
50 grams chicken
3 tbsp oil
20 g. chinese chive or green onion
1 tsp. sugar
2 tbsp. fish sauce or soy sauce
2 tbsp. oyster sauce or mushroom fake-oyster sauce
1 egg
30 g. bean sprouts or cabbage
1 tbsp. chopped garlic
50 g. tofu, diced
1/2 c. water

Fry garlic in oil, then chicken and tofu, stir until the chicken is cooked.  Add egg, scramble around.  Add noodles and water, stir until tender.  Season with sauces and sugar.  Add sprouts and green onions, serve with fresh vegetables and/or lime juice, peanuts, and ground chilis.

Source: Baan Thai cookery school, Chiang Mai, May 2010

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