Thursday, September 29, 2011


2L milk
50g rice, about 1/2 cup. Basmati is best. Wash, soak 1/2 hour, drain
75g sugar, about 3/4 cup
2 tsp coconut powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon mix (50g cinnamon sticks, 1/4 nutmeg, 20g green cardamom, smashed together)
handful raisins/cashews

Use a heavy bottom pot to avoid sticking. Boil milk. Add rice, cook uncovered on low about 1 hour, until thick. Add sugar. (Sugar stops the rice from cooking, so don't add it until the rice is done.) Garnish with coconut, cinnamon mix, raisins/cashews.

Source: Nisha at Taste of India cooking class, McLeod Ganj, India

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