Friday, April 17, 2020

Roast eggplant with tahini

1 large eggplant
1/3 cup tahini
1/4 cup water
2 tsp pomegranate molasses
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 garlic clove, crushed
3 tbsp chopped parsley
salt and pepper
3 mini cucumbers and 3/4 cup cherry tomatoes, optional
seeds from half a pomegranate, optional

Either burn the eggplant over a flame (grill?) or slice into slices and roast in the oven for like 25 minutes. I didn't have any luck with the flame on my stove. Anyway, remove the skin and chop the cooked eggplant flesh roughly. Add tahini, water, pomegranate molasses, lemon juice, garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper. Mix. If you stop there you've got something like baba ganoush, or you can add the cucumbers and tomatoes and then you've got more of a salad. Scatter pomegranate seeds on top.

Source: Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi

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